Sustainability Initiatives

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead

Empowering Communities

At AMPED I, we are committed to empowering our local communities. Together, we strive to create positive change and foster growth within the communities we serve.



Donating Used Laptops to Local High Schools

We are proud of donating 20 (and counting!) used laptops to local highschools to help our youth pursue their academic aspirations.


Supporting Those in Need

We contribute to the overall well-being of the community by donating resources and volunteering time to local food drives and soup kitchens.



Amped I supports ‘WeAreTheRipple,’ which takes a revolutionary approach to supporting communities in need of clean water. ‘WeAreTheRipple’ installs water well pumps to provide access to safe drinking water to communities in need, which in turn helps to contribute to the long-term development of these areas.


Tree Planting & Carbon Neutrality

Since 2010, for every project we print and deliver, we plant a tree. By 2022, we reached carbon neutrality, and by 2023, we went even further, achieving carbon negativity through the planting of 2,588 trees.